The top 10 red flags for regular LinkedIn users

If you're familiar with LinkedIn, you may have come across advice on social media or in other publications from well-meaning but misinformed sources. Unfortunately, the wrong advice can hurt your LinkedIn strategy. Listed here are the Top 10 LinkedIn myths which i believe need to be busted:
1. LinkedIn is the new Facebook
LinkedIn has not rushed to adopt the features of other platforms it
weighs the rewards and disadvantages carefully first. Its uniqueness comes from its focus
on professional life. So, unless you're a chef, posting photos of the lunch is
not a good idea.
2. You have to pay to use the good stuff
If you're finding the free version limiting then consider upgrading. However, unless you see a message saying, “you've reached your commercial limit”, you don't have to pay just yet.
3. LinkedIn is only effective in English
LinkedIn has 24 languages, and there is an auto-translate feature which
will translate text in your body of the post but not image text. Therefore, if
your market speaks different languages keep this in mind.
4. Posting too often is spammy and connections will “unfollow” you
Every LinkedIn post is shown to around three to five per cent of the connections. If you receive engagement, then that percentage begins to increase but the most you are able to hope for is about 10 per cent. If you post five times a week and just 10 per cent see it, then it doesn't sound too spammy in my experience, especially if people find it valuable.
5. Individuals are on LinkedIn for two reasons: job hunting or pitching
Sure, people
are on LinkedIn for lead generation. However, individuals are also looking for joint
ventures, brand positioning, thought leadership, personal branding, an internet-based
6. Once your profile is finished you never have to touch it again
Think of your profile like a bonsai. Growth and regular reshaping will give you the best result.
7. Automation is the only way to get ahead on LinkedIn
Using bots or automation might seem a seductive way to make use of the platform, but it's also from the User Agreement and often results in LinkedIn restricting your account, or worse, closing it.
8. LinkedIn is really a numbers game
There is some truth for this statement-some! Unfortunately, many people connect with anyone and everyone, and then spam them hoping something will stick. It's better to have the right number of the best people.
9. My customers aren't on LinkedIn
In my 12 years I've seen a huge shift on LinkedIn. Initially, there is almost zero engagement from those who work in trades, medical and retail industries. These days it's much more common of these industries to be regular content creators and engagers. Your customers are there if you know where to look.
10. Video doesn't get as many views as text-based posts on LinkedIn
Post vs
video analytics are measured in two different ways. Text based post views are
measured through the times your post has been placed (certainly not read)
in someone's feed. A video is measured when someone has paused on it for at
least the very first three seconds. It's not a commitment of views, it's an actual
If using LinkedIn regularly, obtaining the edge with your content and
posting technique is vital. Avoid these red flags and maintain momentum by
producing valuable content and getting quality engagement.