1 in 4 employees will resign if flexible working standards are revoked

 1 in 4 employees will resign if flexible working standards are revoked

One in four workers in the UK would resign from their job if flexible working coverage is revoked, new research has revealed.

Personio, the SME HR software specialist, has released the findings of the new survey conducted to research the impact of the global pandemic on the UK workforce and to determine whether companies are prepared for a long-term digital shift.

It found that more than 37% feel that their clients are avoiding implementing new hybrid working paradigms like flexible working schedules, and are persisting with compulsory attendance.

However, only 12% of surveyed workers are dissatisfied with the way their employers have looked after them in these uncertain times, along with a staggering 41% believe their employer is likely to permanently retain the flexible working hours introduced like a response to the pandemic.

The survey was conducted online by survey institute Appino on behalf of Personio and includes responses from 1,000 full-time employees in the UK.

It further reveals that businesses introduced various opportunities for their employees to adapt to the current situation.

Almost half of all UK employees (43%) have the opportunity to work from home, a third (31%) also said they have been offered flexible working hours to sit in the new balance between work and home life, and 22% were introduced to new digital tools for communication and organisation purposes.

According towards the survey, one in three (34%) UK employees have been offered equipment such as chairs and tables.

In addition, 33% indicated that they are being offered mental health support. Finally, a minimum of a quarter of UK employees (26%) appear at first sight being provided with on-going coaching on the emotional challenges of managing a work-life balance.

Due to the pandemic, 43% of UK employees say their employers have implemented hybrid working practices that are enabling them to work from anywhere. However, 32% are unsure if flexible working hours will end up a permanent part of their company’s daily operations.

“COVID-19 forced employers introducing and trial new flexibilities towards the daily work routine within an exceptionally short period of time. In most cases, it hasn’t had a negative impact on individual or company productivity,” said Ross Seychell, Chief People Officer at Personio.

“Employees around the globe have now seen how flexible working could look in future, and quite rightly they'll expect their company to possess a plan for this.

“Now, businesses must work towards implementing the tooling and technology within the long-term to ensure they can continue to attract and support the best talent in a hybrid world of work.”

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